Heroes & Thieves

Worldbuilding at its absolute best.



Talkin' About 'Baldur's Gate 3'

Here we take another new season where we get more casual, and a little more exposition-y. It's time to talk about Baldur's Gate 3, and the house that D&D built. How can this great new game improve your worldbuilding? Listen and find out.

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The Toilet Bowl Taketh

If you think a twelve hour plane ride is long, this episode will make your skin crawl. This world is has barbarism, cannibalism, and an extremely well-to-do pilot. It's the perfect storm for some 'turbulent' worldbuilding.

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Mega Millions Sauna Club

This place is not fun for most, awful for many, but where many of the best deals in the universe happen. Check out how we build mega million money getaways!

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Waves Of Creation

Today's episode waxes a little more poetic than normal, as we attempt to make a world that is farther out of the bounds of reality than usual. How did we do?

Other topics: Parenting, giving children headphones, allocate, pirates, Cthulhu ASMR.

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Twisted Trials of the Fallen

There's so many ways worldbuilding could go, but this one gets devilish. Worry not, mom and dad, we don't worship any underground deities... yet. Dante's Inferno and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn come together in a beautiful union to make this week's world!

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Worlds Will Collide ft. Garrett K. Jones

In today's episode we are joined by Garrett K. Jones, author of a series called The Archives of Icínq-Régn, podcast host, and YouTube creator! We build an alternate Earth, learning a bit about history along the way. Who knew history could be so fun?

You can find Garrett below:

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They Will Dig Our Graves ft. Kerry E.B. Black

Are you a horror loving type? How about a good thriller? In this episode we attempt our best horror style world with the help of author Kerry E.B. Black! Are werewolves lame or cool? What about fairies? Find out with us in this episode!

Kerry E.B. Black is the author of many novels, including the Seasons of Growing series, the most recent being Spring of Spirits. You can find her books on Amazon, so if thrillers are up your alley, she is a must read.

Amazon: https://a.co/d/ikAcZMg
Facebook: Kerry E.B. Black
Twitter: @blackkerryblick
Instagram: @Kerry_E_B_Black

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The Great Triangle Wars ft. Adam J. Scholte

A frozen landscape, warring tribal factions, and some documents! Things get hot real fast on this icy world. And, we are joined by a guest author!

Adam J. Scholte is the author of The Ramulas Chronicles, a series of fantasy novels starting with The Beginning Of The End. Books one and two are out now, with book three aiming to be released by the end of 2023. You can find links to buy the books on his website below!


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Sticks and Stones

Which one hurts more: sticks or stones? If only there was some sort of mantra to answer that for us... I guess we will never know! Welcome to a world of rings and rivers!

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The All Consuming

We're at it again with a fun blend of scifi and fantasy, and a few grievances to lay out. Listen as we create worlds, magically, out of nothing but some sub-par words.

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Our Gloves Unite Us

Power Gloves? Golden Gloves? Fingerless leather gloves? I can't imagine why we are  so obsessed with these hand coverings, but that is the basis of this week's world. They are like socks for our hands!

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Justice Is Blind

New year, new us! Kick off 2023 with a sci-fi world full of justice and... whittling? We also have a special guest... our brother Randy! Listen in as he tries his hand at impromptu worldbuilding - it's not as easy as it looks.

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Games of the Gods

Do the gods really love us or are we just pawns in their eternal game? This biblically-inspired world will most definitely surprise you, because we were also confused.

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Philosophical Paper People

Armchair philosophy reigns supreme this time around. Do you have what it takes to match the big brains on display here? Give it a listen and find out!

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The Future Is Not Good

Join us as we slowly realize that the world we are building is coming to pass before our very eyes. Influencers, Hollywood stars, and CEO's. All to be found here!

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Fight or Blight

Welcome to the first episode of Season 3! Back to the origins of building fresh worlds and inserting some real premium armchair philosophy. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a hot, delicious cup of jasmine green tea while we whisk away your worries!

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Artia Is Complete

This marks our last foray into the world of Artia! Join us as we reminisce on the process and the ideas that came out of this fantastic fantasy world. Needless to say, there were a lot of lessons learned!

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The Polish of Steelglaive

As the sun begins to set on the worldbuilding of Artia, we take a few moments to reflect on all the good work that was done here. And question the creators of gargoyles. Whoever thought they'd be a good addition to classic churches was either a genius or a crazy person.

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The Rainfall

What do you do when it rains? Get sad, of course. We discuss the finer points of sadness as it relates to humanity and happiness.  Equal and opposite reactions or something like that. 

In loving memory of Kuang-Hao Chang.

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The Rotating City of Steel

Was Friends even a good show? Do pivoting cities excite you? Well they should! This week we dive into Steelglaive and create more workings of the city.

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Antihero Life Lessons

What makes a hero? What makes a villain? Answers to these and many more hard-hitting questions lie inside this episode. Also included: a crash course in some real world governing principles.

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Wirey Boys

What's in a name? Why were we both given names that can be shortened? Is there a name that can't be shortened? Also discussed is the importance of hugs to the family unit. All important pieces to the world of Artia!

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I Am The One Who Shuts

You know that phenomenon when you say a word so many times that it starts to lose meaning? That happened to us while recording this episode. Happened to Greg twice. Listen in to discover a new character stalking the streets of Meragora!

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Retcon and Crypto

Prepare yourselves for another fantastic adventure into Artia, where NFT's make sense and the world is in balance. Also, we may need to rework some of our original lore. Things have gotten out of hand.

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Secret of Evermore

In the first episode of our sidebar series called 'Just Talkin' About it', we would like to introduce you to the world of Evermore!

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Tall Grass And Snake Oil

There's a time and a place for door-to-door salesmen, and we decided Artia was the place, and this episode was the time. This is peak fantasy worldbuilding.

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The Maze Blunderer

The gang builds a maze, and then it gets dark. For all of you connoisseurs of the fine art of maze-ing, you're going to want to listen to the arguments put forth here - they may change the game forever.

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Trade School Giants

In this episode we talk trade schools, giants, and pinching. Spoiler, if you are a pincher you rank very very low on our list of likable people! But listen in to find out our take on the American school system and how cool giants are!

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Vampires, There Are Vampires

The title really explains it all here. If you like vampires, you're going to love Artia. Join us as Michael battles a flu in real-time while we discuss some of the finer points of worldbuilding.

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Are We Gaming Now?

As we delve deeper into the never ending black hole of worldbuilding, discussions rage about the four horseman and more bad guys. Also, how do you all define savage? We struggle on that one.

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Radio Creepin

This week's words are brought to you by... songs I heard on my drive home from work. Smash hits - every single one. Listen to the very end to hear some deep thoughts about friendship, even though it makes no impact on Artia whatsoever!

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The Skate Shooting Festival

Welcome, again, to the great city of Umbra! Where elves are archery purists and conspiracy theorists have plenty to talk about! Come on in, put on the tinfoil hat, and join the action.

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A Little Touch of Magic

Would your D&D character be eligible to be a part of a Hall of Legends? Maybe! If you've done some mighty deeds, they may consider it. We also finally get into some detail with races and who inhabits this world. Take a listen!

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The Weight of the Gods

We managed to lose an episode, but we make up for it in this one! Are kids capable of making good decisions? Are gods always supposed to answer their children? Find out in this episdoe when we break it all down!

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The Pale City Recap

Join us in our wrap-up episode for The Pale City and introduce our special guest and resident Dungeon Master, Matt! Does everything get retconned? Or did we get everything right the first time? In any case, our one-shot of The Pale City is shaping up to be a good one!


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Artia Takes Form

I think we still have some work to do on our epic announcer voices, but you have to start somewhere.  Just like this world is starting to really come alive! Check out how soft worldbuilding is really done.

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Hearing Silence

Silence is golden... or is it? In our case, it is. In other news, our headmistress gets some extra attention and the world is FINALLY given a name. Welcome to Artia!

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Chain of Command

A new headmistress makes her way into The Pale City today, **insert name here**! And another thing - how many red herrings can we put into one city? Is there such a thing as too many?

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No Pain No Gain

Today we enter into arena combat at the whim of a noble who gets a little too excited about seeing blood. Also, the philosophy of The Office fans everywhere: "Trust me, it gets really good in the later seasons, keep watching..."

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Man of the Cloth

As we make our way through the major campaign questline, The Pale City gets detailed! Factions, noble houses, and handsome liches are the norm in this rainy nation. A real one-shot session is slowly coming together!

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The Paladin Executioner

Do you enjoy a good Rubik's Cube? Well, today we make it into a Dungeons & Dragons legendary item. Do you enjoy a good cowardly paladin? Well, today we make one. Enjoy your stay in The Pale City! 

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Faith Healer

Do you like snake oil, pyramid schemes, used cars that might be lemons, or YouTube tutorials on how to get rich quick if you just buy their $1,000 course? Boy, do we have the fantasy-equivalent character for you! Listen to this episode and you will definitely buy into this worldbuilding action.

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The Pallid King

We begin our multi-episode deep dive into the nation of The Pale City. What are it's origins? Who are it's people? Who is The Pallid King? Let's shed some light on this foggy and damp nation!

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The Hunters

Have we found a new totally non embarrassing way to create new characters in our world?! Yep! We also added some lore and life to the Kingdom of Steelglaive. What would your embarrassing story be if you had to choose one? Let us know!

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Axe Of The Executioner

Things get a little bit more dragon-y in our Dungeons & Dragons world. Other mentioned topics: Randy Orton, Jimmer Fredette, and a classic opening quest for a campaign. There is also a loud cry for help when it comes to naming things.

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Day And Night

We're adding technology and some interesting cycles for our world! Do we know how these things technically work? No. Do we brute force them into the world anyway? Yep! We also bring two more NPC's into the world that really liven up the world!

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Cloak And Dagger

Today we come up with our first legendary item and, most impressively, it even gets a name! The world gets a littler grittier and a whole lot bigger this time around. Mulan also makes an appearance.

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On A Pale Horse

This time around we dive into the intricacies of our world, adding some depth to the coastal nation of Umbra and a new locale - The Pale City! Necromancers, magic missiles, dice! How much more D&D can this get?!

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The Wavecrashers

We did it! We finally created a city - an actual place on the map. This episode we create a port city by the sea that has the best night life in all of... [World Name Here]! 

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The Sons of Fire

Do you love ancient civilizations? Do you love real-world history? If the answer to either question is yes, then you need to listen to this one! If the answer is no, you should tune in anyway because things are about to get wild.

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The Endless Struggle

What does it take to bake the perfect fantasy world? A hint of magic, a dash of gods, and a massive scoop of fresh ideas! Welcome to the first of many episodes where we build ONE world and invent some fantastic adventures.

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Tricksters Doing Trickster Things

In a game where there are no points and no prizes to be won, Michael apparently wins. Listen in to find out how. Otherwise, we discuss something akin to fantasy virtual reality games. It works, I promise.

We also start the episode with a major announcement!

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Tunnels To The Future

In an episode that gets deep... metaphorically and literally. If you're digging up - that's not going deeper, is it? Is  there a word for digging upward really far? Questions like these, and many more, await!

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Why Is It All Wet?

If you don't like the word 'moist', you are in for some old-fashioned character building in this episode. Buckle up and dig in, champs, we've got a world to build!

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Skulls Are Good

Is necromancy always bad? Are tundra yetis really the only snow monsters? Find out with us this episode!

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The Running of the Aliens

This time we come up with a concept that completely sidesteps the first word. Are we breaking our own rules? Nah, it'll come out just fine.

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Amazing Amazonian Amazons

In our first episode back from Thanksgiving, we dive into the world of Amazon warriors deep in a rainforest. After mixing and matching a few styles, we whip up a fresh batch of worldbuilding goodness!

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Look At All My Badges

Space scouts and gene-magic wielding humans are the feature of this episode. Blink and you will miss it! Wait, that doesn't make sense. Plug your ears and you will most definitely miss it!

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The Tower of Power

The brothers talk about a great many things, the most important being The Macho Man Randy Savage, yeah. This episode is the cream of the crop, and it will rise to the top. This world is not one to miss!

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We Need An Adult

What if our governments didn't give us mandates, but told us to go on more man dates? This breaking revelation changes everything in another spicy episode.

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The Gods Above

Does Greg know the difference between The Terminator and Predator? No. Does Michael have a good opinion of pizza? No. Is the sky a giant plate that's blocking us from seeing the true night sky? Yes.

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Time For Justice

As we give due praise and simultaneously seek to understand the 1991 blockbuster and critically-acclaimed Hook, we also struggle our way to a world that includes a reimagining of a favorite sport! If that sentence took you on an adventure, just wait until you listen to this episode.

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An adventure into the skies where tall, dark, and handsome is the norm. Did you know that crystals are actually made from human souls? Another grand story awaits!

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Tadpole Tales

Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory about frogs, but how will a scifi world about the amphibious creatures pan out? Listen in as we leapfrog from one good idea to the next!

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We Gonna Bury You Here

We hope you're not afraid of spiders... or heights. This time around we bring heaven underground and invent a lively city market!

 If you could combine any two animals to make a new one, what would it be?

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On The Backs Of Giants

We discuss dad strength, worlds within worlds, and the illustrious career of Steven Seagal in our 'biggest' creation yet. Join us in building another wonderful world from scratch!

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Soul Blader

How many carebears can you name right now? How many episodes of Days of Our Lives have you seen? Do you love ant farms?  Are these questions relevant to worldbuilding? Of course they are. Join us in building a world with rad blades.

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Handsome Androids

We try and create our first ever sci-fi world! Listen in as we gracefully fail upwards and attempt to navigate some space-bound living, where chopping down trees is posh!

Also, Michael makes a convincing case for being equal to Brad Pitt in handsomeness.

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Heart Fires

We lighten up the mood and bring some friendly goblins to life! Meanwhile, we question the usefulness of the power of heart when compared to fire or ice while making it obvious that we need to watch some 1990's TV shows again.

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The Witch's Brew

Continuing in our quest to make spooky worlds in October, we attempt to harness some creepy witch vibes. Except our witch captures souls forever in her wicked cauldron world, and loves beef jerky.

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Ghostly Grumblings

Join us as we step into a spooky land of scary ghosts! If you're a fan of alliterations, this is the one for you. We try and make a big start to October spooky-times with a more themed episode.

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Tempest Break

Flying through a world with heavy winds and treacherous lands! Master mechanical swordsmen, wizard-engineers, and a really big world-book. Can we top our first episode and come up  with a world even greater? Absolutely.

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Fungus Among Us

In our pilot episode we attempt to create a world based on mushrooms! Join us as we explore what happens when mushroom people meet giant birds. Let's see what we can unravel with just our imaginations.

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